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Bariatric Surgery and Its Benefits

Although bariatric surgery is not the cure for morbid obesity, it sure can help alleviate a person with such condition. Bariatric surgery can take weight off and keep it off, improve most of obesity-related conditions, reduce the risk of premature death and improve the quality of life. Currently, only bariatric surgery is known to be an effective therapy for morbid obesity.

The main benefit of this procedure is a durable weight loss. Patients lose an average of 40 % to 75 % of excess bodyweight, depending on the specific procedure, which equals to approximately 30 % to 40 % of the initial weight. Surgical treatment is considered successful if at least 50 % of the patient’s excess weight is still off 5 years after the procedure. Thus, for example, gastric bypass (also known as the “Roux-en-Y procedure”), according to this definition has approximately 70 % of success rate. But perhaps, the more important benefit is the impact of this surgery on obesity-related conditions.

It has been demonstrated that is a deep and very quick resolution of type 2 diabetes mellitus, with normalization of glucose tolerance in 78 % of patients. The procedure also improves hypertension. And although the changes were not as deep as for type 2 diabetes, about 50 % of patients stopped being hypertensive after surgery, and medication requirements were decreased. Patients also experimented cardiovascular benefits such as improved ventricular function, reduced myocardial wall thickness and chamber size, and sustained normalization of lipid profiles. In addition, obstructive sleep apnea and the obesity hypoventilation syndrome are markedly improved after bariatric surgery. In 70 % of the patients, apneic episodes are reduced to minimal, and in 40 % of the patients they are eliminated altogether. Finally, this procedure lowers the risk of premature death, provides a better quality of life, and saves in health care costs.

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