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The Freedom of Running

“That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run”, says one of the famous lines of dialogue in the Academy Award winner movie, Forrest Gump. That quote probably meant a lot for people who love to run at any time because then, the brilliant scenes of Forrest Gump running across the United States appear. It was beautiful to see the different landscapes and places that Forrest crossed while he ran. There is no doubt that what most runners like is to run by a peaceful road surrounded only by the nature of the landscape. However, although it is a great and satisfying activity, running has many other benefits and aspects that you should be familiar with if you want to start running as Forrest.

For example, running helps you tone the muscles in your legs, hips and abdomen. Also, as an aerobic workout, it develops cardiovascular health and improves the oxygen supply to your muscles. As a result, running diminishes your risks of suffering a heart attack and also helps you burn calories quickly. In addition, you will develop your stamina and liberate from stress. Another advantage of running is that you can do it anywhere and anytime and free of charge.

Finally, the first thing that you have to do when you start running is finding routes or parks that you like. Also, another good recommendation is to choose the right shoes to run with safety and comfort. It is important too that you do not exceed your capacities. If you are a beginner, the best you can do is start with short distances and then gradually increase the distances if you feel in better physical conditions. After that, you can attempt to surpass the record of Forrest Gump and feel the sensation of freedom that running causes.

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