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Reasons Why You Do Not Workout

In the last few years, an important number of studies have shown that 60 % of American adults do not exercise and what is more worrisome is that the percentage tends to increase little by little. For that reason, it is important for you to know the reasons why people do not exercise and make an effort to avoid them. “A healthy mind in a healthy body” says the well known phrase of the Greek philosopher Plato. So, even if you do not like to workout, you may search activities that can stimulate you in order to make at least the minimum amount of physical activity suggested.

For example, if your excuse is that you hate a particular exercise, such as running or swimming, you do not have to do it. You can look for other activities. Going biking or hiking are good options too, if you love the outdoors. In addition, you will have the advantage of working out in a beautiful place surrounded of wildlife. Another reason that people often use to avoid exercise is that they cannot afford a gym membership. Well, you are not obligated to workout in a gym. There are cheaper options such as walking or running in the park of your district or you can even workout in your own home with the help of the thousands of exercise videos available in the market.

Some people get bored when they do not see results after several weeks of doing exercise. They expect to lose weight quickly. However, they must understand that the body has to be habituated before reacting. Meanwhile, they should be patient and enjoy the other advantages of exercising. Thus, do not put more excuses to avoid working out and try to find the time to do it. Certainly, you, your body and your mind will appreciate it!

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