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The Importance of Sports for Women

In general, to workout is as essential to women’s health as it is to men’s. For many years, girls and women were disheartened from exercising. They were criticized by men who said that they would lose their femininity if they trained in certain sports. Through history, we can find many examples of how a man has relegated women in several sport disciplines. However, they have fought very much and persistently to obtain a place in these sports that were exclusive for men. Today, we can find women that play basketball, football, baseball, soccer, and many other sports that were prohibited or where they were discriminated.

Luckily, this situation has finished and now women enjoy much more liberties in several areas. Regular exercise and sports bring many benefits that women should take advantage of in order to live healthfully. For example, women that usually workout can make the transition during menopause easier and they also will have a healthier life in the postmenopausal years. Another important issue for women is the loss of weight and the improvement of their body. For this reason, in recent years, exercising has become very popular and important for women. Probably, if you go to the nearest gym, you will see on average more women than men.

Several studies have demonstrated that women can prevent several common diseases such as breast cancer, osteoporosis, and others only if they workout an amount of hours per week. Therefore, if you want to recognize those women that fought for your rights, it is a great idea to practice any sport. Remember that you will be happier and you will live longer too.

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