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Free Email Quote-of-the-Day Support Service for Dieters Begins

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB via PR Web Direct) January 12, 2006 -- The new Diet for Charity program announces an additional new service: free email quote-of-the-day. This unique dieter’s Quote-of-the-Day support service is far more than just getting great daily diet quotes! It is like having a free personal diet guru, diet motivator coach and diet buddy all rolled into one. Finally a free service that is always there with daily diet support, the next needed piece of diet advice or reminder to help keep dieters on track to reach all of their weight loss, nutrition and fitness goals.

With this new free service customers get far more than just motivational diet support to get back on their diet after a rough episode. They will also receive tips on eating out in restaurants, healthy shopping tips, exercise tips, and one minute mini-lessons on the proven principles of successful dieting, nutrition and exercise.

Every seven days dieters get a short reminder form that helps them evaluate their diet’s progress and plan for any needed adjustments. No matter what weight loss program a member intends to use, they can’t go wrong by signing up for this new free diet support service.

This free service is sponsored by Integrative Spirituality , a nondenominational, non profit organization. The Diet for Charity program was created by Integrative Spirituality because it is an important part of its charitable mission to: “support and promote the improvement of nutrition and physical well being as a vital part of helping to create a balanced physical, mental and spiritual life.”

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