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Creatine Is A Steroid Right? Get The Facts And Destroy The Myths

Walnut Creek, CA (PRWEB) January 12, 2006 -- A new information portal educating the public on the sports supplement 'creatine' was launched to destroy the myths associated with this $400 million dollar sports supplement by Marc David of, a California based company.

"Creatine today has made an enormous presence in an enormous variety of athletic fields. Marc David has effectively collected and organized every important aspect of creatine, and presents it in a simplistic and honest manner. Whether you are seriously considering creatine, or just curious about its use, you'll find everything you need to know right here," said Jesse W.

Creatine is one of the most well researched sports supplement today. It is a $400 million dollar industry that continues to grow and is used in many sports from general high school athletics to bodybuilding competitions. With over 100 peer reviewed short and long term studies, there's still some rumors about this supplement.

"How ironic that an amino acid that is manufactured in the human body has become the proponent for such global conjecture, scrutiny and supposition," said Kurt Lee Hurley

Marc David, made a decision in December of 2005 to launch a very small but very informative information portal specifically about creatine to dispel the myths and put minds at rest.

What you will learn at

- 5 Minutes To Learn How Creatine Affects Teenagers
- 1 Quick Biochemistry Lesson And You Too Will Be An Expert On Creatine
- 15 Frequently Asked Questions About Creatine was born out of necessity to educate the public with some of the most well respected and accredited expects on the subject. With all the high school athletes that use this supplement and the parents that are fearful and worried about what their kids are using, it was a must not only to educate anybody who uses creatine monohydrate but those who were curious and needed to know some creatine facts.

Creatine is a well research and proven supplement that is safe and effective if used properly. It's not a steroid and it never was classified as one yet many Internet searches will lead you to believe so. This can be most disturbing to a parent of a high school athlete who finds out their son or daughter is using this supplement and cannot find factual and unbiased information from qualified experts. is designed to educate the public on the use of this supplement thru a series of professionally written articles. This site will help educate the public with the correct information in which to make informed choices about this well researched supplement.

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