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Chagrin Counseling Associates & Eating Recovery Addresses High "Bail-Out" Rate on New Year's Resolution

Chagrin Counseling Associates & Eating Recovery Provides Innovative Techniques That Will Help People To Succeed in Keeping Their New Year's Resolution of Looking, Feeling, and Being Healthier.

Pepper Pike, OH (PRWEB)January 8, 2006 -- The National Insitutes of Health (1999) say that losing weight is the most common New Year's Resolution, and one that is quickly forgotten". It is estimated that 40% of Americans promise to lose weight in the New Year. Although 90% of the respondents lost very litle or no weight at all, half of them gained weight instead (Thorpy, 2004). The recent study on weight loss, general health, and New Year's Resolutions reported that the data shows "the average person giving up their resolution by February, only to return to their previous unhealthy eating patterns/lifestyle".

Chagrin Counseling Associates & Eating Recovery is a group of highly trained, dedicated individuals who get people out of the cycle of dieting and into a healthy relationship with food, their bodies, and themselves. Workshop presenter and partner at CCA-ER, Maureen Riley-Behringer, MSSA LISW reports that "there are so many misconceptions about what we need to do to feel confident and healthy in our bodies. We think that the pain and agony of 'dieting' is a 'must' to acheive that, when it simply is a part of a self-defeating cycle leading to more weight gain". But, there is a better, more enjoyable, and permanent way of getting there that can be easily achieved for the individual with the busiest and most demanding lifestyle. "It is a lifestyle that the therapists at CCA-ER, all who have demanding lives with family and careers, naturally practice everyday. It not only promotes us feeling healthy and confident about ourselves, but we as a result, have more fullfilling relationships with those in our lives."

Some tips discussed are:

*Diet is a four-letter-word...don't say it and don't do it".

*Get the scale out of your house...That number has power over how you feel about yourself!

*Don't eat in secret...Sit at the table with someone and enjoy their company.

This winter, CCA-ER co-owner, Maureen Riley-Behringer MSSA LISW will be partnering with registered dietician and owner of Real Nutrition, LLC, Julie Norman, RD, LD to present a workshop entitled, "Stop Dieting...and Start Living" that will be held on February 11, 2006. Presenters will teach their proven, innovatice techniques that promote "never having to diet again" and feeling "confident in the way you look and feel"!

Therapists at Chagrin Couneling Associates & Eating Recovery have been featured on Cleveland's WEWS Channel Five News and WCPN, a National Public Radio affiliate. They are also on faculty at Case Western Reserve University, John Carroll University, and Walden University.

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